GYFF Workshop

The GYFF Workshop is a full-day event during which students have a chance to learn from and interact with professionals in the film industry as well as film students and teachers from other high schools. 


The goal of the workshop is to help the students prepare to make their films not only for the film festival but also in college and beyond. 



Our hope is that the students will be encouraged and excited to tell their stories and to learn the technology, the skills, and the power of creative expression.

2024 workshop



Basics of Screenwriting for TV and Film - Drawing from our own favorite movies and tv shows, we’ll explore what makes a story compelling then discuss how to tell those stories using basic principles of screenplay structure. Watch session HERE<< New text box >>

2020 Workshop

  • Chris Marston - "Filmmaking Techniques" - Coverage, Coverage, Coverage: Multiple Angles and Overshooting! The technique of film-making (HOW we do what we do)
  • Pat Ganley - "Filmmaking Theory" - The theory of film-making (WHY we do what we do)
  • Joe DiVita - "The Blend" - Overview on sound and why it's so important to the film
  • Marty Zied & Tammy Tiehl-Stedman - "The Tank" - Speed round where the instructors offer as much feedback as possible as to how they, themselves would start/continue pre-production or production of the student's film!
  • Dave Lamm - "Visual Effects Magic" - With 95% of the students having access to a green screen for news classes how/should they use green

2019 Workshop

  • Dave Lamm & Pat Ganley - Lighting - "Filming the Story" - Cinematography 101 - The theory behind why and how we film and how to let the scene help tell the story. How do I get coverage? 
  • Joe DiVita - "The Sound of the Story" - Sound Design - How can the right mix of score, sound fx, background and dialogue help to tell the story?
  • David Greenberg - "Writing the Story Part 1" - Writing genres of film. How do I start writing a comedy? A drama? Horror? How do I find the story in the film? Getting inspiration.
  • Iam Abrams - "Writiing the Story Part 2" - Dialogue. How much is too much? I have my actors and an idea, now what? How do I write dialogue for them in a short film? How much is enough? How much is not enough? How do I write a conflict? How do I use non-verbals with my actors? PowerPoint
  • Tammy Tiehel-Stedman & Amy Tiehel - "Producing the Story" - I have pre-planned everything I can think of...How to be ready to put the story on the screen...from blocking to do I not "wing this"? PowerPoint
  • Marty Zied - "Putting the bite in my Documentary Story" - The Art of the Sound bite. How to set-up and carry out a descriptive interview that will lead my documentary? How do I narrow down my soundbites and let them tell the story for me? An interactive lesson teaching students how to ask open-ended questions and get results for their documentary.

2017 Workshop

  • The Screenplay and Story Arc – Ian Abrams.  Click here to view the PowerPoint from his session. ​      

  • Lights, Lenses, and the ‘Film Look’ – Pat Ganley & Dave Lamm of PWPvideo. Pat is Director of Postproduction and Dave is Director of Production.  Click here to view their session.      

  • Audio versus Video – Joe DiVita from Drexel. Click here to view his session.   

  • From Concept to Pre-Production –  Tammy Tiehel-Stedman. Tammy is co-producer of the feature film “Slow Learners” along with Tommy Joyner, Jamie Lokoff, and Brian O’Connor. Watch Tammy’s presentation here.      

  • Documentary - Marty Zied. Marty is Senior Producer for the Paul F. Harron studios at Drexel University and is currently working on “Voice Messages,” a documentary on the human voice. Watch Marty's Presentation here.    

  • Audio Engineering Workshop – Tommy Joyner, founder of MilkBoy the Studio.  Tommy is co-producer of the feature film “Slow Learners” with Tammy Tiehel-Stedman, Jamie Lokoff, and Brian O’Connor.Click here for his presentation. 


2015 Workshop

  • Keynote: Things Lead To Things - Jeff Schock, award winning producer/director of hundreds of music videos and whose clients have included Billy Joel, Rolling Stones, James Taylor, Luther Vandross and Kenny Loggins
  • The Story: A Filmmaker's Best Friend - Chris Fetchko, writer/director of films released by Warner Brothers, Shoreline Entertainment, etc.
  • Time-lapse - Daniel Innovate, whose roles have included pre-production writing, directing and varied roles as Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Editor and Colorist.
  • Tips & Tricks to Get Your Story Across - Pat Ganley & Dave Lamm, Director of Postproduction and Director Production at PWPvideo. Click here to view their session and click here for their handout.
  • Advocacy Filmmaking: Documentaries in the Social Justice Tradition - John O’Leary & Steve McWilliams, professors at Villanova University Communications Department and co-founders of Villanova's award-winning Social Justice Documentary Program. Click here to view their session.
  • Tips on Developing, Pre-producing and Producing your Short Film - Tammy Tiehel-Stedman & Marty Zied, Academy and Emmy award winning producers/directors


   Awards night         april 24, 2024                7 PM


2024 T-shirt Design by Foster B. from Phila. CAPA

2024 Poster Winner Seyawash from Upper Dublin H.S.


2020 Winning T-shirt

Leo Gualtieri, SLA

2020 Winning Poster

Rebekah Sheaffer, UDHS

2019 Winning T-shirt
Josh Asaraf, UDHS

2019 Winning Poster

Amaris Carrasquillo, CAPA

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